Useful Information

For Gamekeepers
Wild Beak automatic feeders make looking after gamebirds just that little bit simpler.
Modern gamekeepers have enough to deal with running land and shoots day to day, let the Wild Beak EasyFeeder take some of that pressure off by feeding your choice of game at a time to suit you...without you even being there.
The Wild Beak EasyFeeder prevents your birds from becoming too tame by feeding them the right amount at the right time with no human interaction.The Wild Beak EasyFeeder encourages birds to stay close.

For Livestock
Wild Beak automatic feeders make looking after chickens, ducks, Koi carp and other animals simpler.
With a modern busy lifestyle, it's obviously still very important to look after your animals and nurture your relationship with them.
Let our fantastic EasyFeeder take care of feeding time allowing you more time to spend looking after them.

The Easy Feeder EF001 is a heavy duty, industrial quality feeder designed for tougher, harsher conditions as well as rougher handling from animals and livestock, the metal body feeder also features a vermin guard to prevent pests, rats, squirrels etc from getting into and eating your feed. All these features combine together to make a feeder which can be left for weeks at a time.